Investigating and Comparing the Serum Level of Active Anti-factor 10 in ed Patients Treated With Adjusted and Unadjusted Doses of Noxprin Based on Age and Creatinine Clearance in Farshchian Heart Hospital of Hamadan, 1395


1 Department of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran

2 Farshchian Cardiac Research Development Center, Department of Heart, Faculty of Medicine, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences , Hamadan, Iran

3 Department of Pathology , Faculty of Medicine , Hamadan University of Medical Sciences , Hamadan, Iran

4 Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran


Background: Enoxaparin is known to be a low-molecular-weight heparin used in the treatment of patients with deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, unstable angina, and acute myocardial infarction. The serum level ‌of anti-factor 10, a biomarker, can be used to assess the anticoagulant effects of noxprin. Methods: This clinical quasi-experimental trial recruited patients with a diagnosis of the acute coronary syndrome who were under treatment with adjusted and unadjusted doses of noxprin. Immediately before the administration of the next dose of noxprin, the serum level of activated anti-factor 10 in the patients was measured and compared with the value obtained via a fully automated chromogenic method. Results: The study population was comprised of 107 patients: 68.2% male and 31.8% female. The mean and standard deviation of the patients’ age was 11.13±36.61 years. Based on the study’s inclusion criteria of age and the level of creatinine clearance, 35.5% and 64.5% of the patients received adjusted and unadjusted doses of noxprin. The attainment rate of the appropriate level of active ani-factor10 was 81.2% and 62.6%, respectively, in the patients who received the adjusted and unadjusted doses of noxprin (P=0.364). Conclusions: The adjustment of the dose of noxprin in our patients based on their age and creatinine clearance level increased the attainment level of ‌ anti-factor 10. (Iranian Heart Journal 2018; 19(4): 47-53)
