Registry Study of Patients Who Needed Emergent Surgery due to Complications of Cardiac Catheterization in Rajaie Heart Center Between 2005 and 2015


1 Department of Cardiac Surgery, Faculty of Medical Sciences,Farshchian Heart Center, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, IR Iran.

2 Department ofCardiology, Faculty of Medical Sciences,Farshchian Heart Center, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, IR Iran.

3 Department of Cardiac Surgery, Faculty of Medical Sciences,Farshchian Heart Center, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, IR Iran

4 Department of Cardiac Surgery, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Mashhad University of MedicalSciences, Mashhad, IR Iran.

5 Cardiovascular InterventionResearch Center, Rajaie Cardiovascular, Medical, and Research Center, Iran University ofMedical Sciences, Tehran, IR Iran

6 Rajaie Cardiovascular, Medical, and Research Center, Iran University ofMedical Sciences, Tehran, IR Iran.


Background: Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of death in most societies today. One of the most important diagnostic and therapeutic methods used in this field is cardiac catheterization. This procedure is, however, invasive and can lead to cardiac complications, vascular complications, and even death. Methods: In this study, we reviewed the characteristics of adolescent patients who needed emergent surgery due to catheterization complications between 2005 and 2015 at Rajaie Cardiovascular, Medical, and Research Center, Tehran, Iran. This study was done descriptively. Of 1028 patients transferred to the operating room in the first 24 hours after catheterization, a total of 36 patients needed emergent surgery due to catheterization complications. The data of these patients were extracted the archives and analyzed using the SPSS software. Results: Acute mitral valve regurgitation post percutaneous transmitral commissurotomy occurred in 8 (22%) patients, vascular rupture and retroperitoneal hematoma in 8 (22%), rupture of the cardiac chambers and tamponade in 5 (14%), coronary artery dissection in 4 (11%), vascular access thrombosis in 3 (8%), vascular access dissection in 3 (8%), embolization and malposition of the Amplatzer device in 2 (6%), clot formation on the Amplatzer device in 1 (3%), cardiac arrest in 1 (3%), and vascular sheath fracture in 1 (3%). Of the 36 patients, 6 died. Conclusions: A comparison of the incidence rates of post-cardiac catheterization complications leading to emergent surgery between our center and other similar centers shows no significant difference. (Iranian heart Journal 2018; 19(3): 60- 63)
